The Katie-Has-Bad-Taste Post

I’m about to tell you some of my unpopular opinions, but I have a feeling this isn’t one of them: I hate icebreakers. You know, those let’s-go-around-the-room-and-get-to-know-each-other exercises that people do at the beginning of a meeting or event. But if you must do an icebreaker, here are two that are actually kind of interesting to think about: things you like that no one else seems to, and things you don’t like that everyone else does.
You guys, if you’ve been paying attention, already know some of my likes and dislikes in both categories. I love Celine Dion. I hate Arrested Development. And here’s where I give you a multitude of other reasons to think less of me.
Things I Like That No One Else Does
Domino’s Pizza
So apparently, it’s a commonly accepted opinion that Domino’s sucks. I…don’t know why. I really like Domino’s. It’s actually my favorite of the big pizza chains. Their cheesy bread is amazing.
With all my weird food quirks, which I’ll get to in “Things I Hate that No One Else Does,” I do love seafood. And because I’m from New England, my standards for seafood are high.
It’s become trendy lately to say that you hate Facebook and love Twitter. I’m the complete opposite. I still really love Facebook. Sure, some people are annoying on it, but there’s nothing else that lets me keep up-to-date on people. And someone as nosy as me really needs that kind of tool. Hiding people on your newsfeed solves most Facebook problems anyway. I have an acquaintance who’s a fan of the Tea Party, and while I have her blocked on my newsfeed, every once in awhile I’ll check to see what crazy, conservative, teabagger, “Poor people are lazy and selfish but I love Jesus!” thing she’s posted on her wall today. And you know what? I like looking at pictures of people’s babies. Babies are cute. 
I do draw the line at gushing over your significant other, though. Don’t do that.
The Da Vinci Code
Like, not love. I liked The Da Vinci Code, as in I read it once and found it enjoyable and saw the movie when it came out. It’s nowhere near a favorite. But I will defend it because I don’t think it deserves any bit of the backlash it’s gotten over the years. No, it’s not the best-written book in the world. Yes, it’s sometimes overly dramatic and far-fetched.  Yes, there are some factual inaccuracies. But it’s not as if this was intended to be some kind of award-winning masterpiece. It’s just a thriller. It’s unusual in that it’s a thriller about religion and art, and that it became such a blockbuster hit, but it’s still just a thriller. Plus, considering how little people read nowadays, I’m not terribly picky about which specific books are keeping the publishing industry going. I have no desire to read Twilightor Fifty Shades of Grey, but if you want to buy them, go for it.
Megan Fox
Not as an actress, mind you. I’ve only heard bad things about her acting, but never having seen any of her movies, I can neither confirm nor deny that. However, her interviews are awesome. She just so clearly does not give a shit about what anyone thinks. She knows exactly what her image is and what people think of her, and a lot of times she makes good points. This comment she made on young celebrities who had private pictures leaked to the Internet was great, and something I wish more people would say publicly.
Cheap Light Beer
Not only do I like Bud Light and Miller Light, I like them better than what most people consider “good” beer. And if I enjoy the taste of something with fewer calories, why the hell wouldn’t I drink it?
Phone Calls
Hating phone calls is a thing with our generation, but not with me. I hate texting for anything more complicated than, “I’m here. Where are you?” And for my friends who live out of town, I’d much rather catch up with them over the phone. Not to mention that phone calls are a huge part of my job- I’d be kind of screwed if I hated the phone.
Things I HateThat No One Else Does
I still don’t like Twitter. And not for lack of trying, believe me.
I love music. I do not, for the most part, love concerts. The forest, for me, is not usually visible amid the trees. If they’re in small venues, you have to stand, and I hate standing. You have to wait through crappy opening bands. You never know whether to sing along or dance or what and try to figure out what looks the least awkward. Your hearing is shot when it’s over, and most of the time you end up thinking the artist sounds better on the CD. These days, it would take a pretty amazing concert for me to pay money for a ticket.
Tom Brady
This is blasphemous in New England (probably not so much in other parts of the country), but I can’t stand this guy. It started with the whole dumping-pregnant-girlfriend-for-a-supermodel thing, and it seems like ever since then, everything he’s done has just been irritating. He comes off as smug and faux-gracious in interviews, the same reason so many people criticize Anne Hathaway. He had that awful grown-out hair for awhile. He’s a spokesman for Uggs. Fucking Uggs. Yes, he is a great quarterback, undeniably. He just bugs the hell out of me as a person.
Kathy Griffin
Now, she annoys me on absolutely every level. I’m honestly kind of mystified at how popular she is. I’ve never found one word out of her mouth remotely funny, and she has that awful voice.
I like yoga, Zumba, boot camp, pilates, etc. But I absolutely loathed spinning when I tried it. I didn’t even get that I-just-got-a-great-workout feeling when it was over—I was just sore and miserable. I hear so many people talk about how great spin class is, and for the life of me I can’t figure out why.
Stand-Up Comedy
I can’t put my finger on why, but although I love things that are funny, I don’t generally put stand-up comedy, by anyone, into that category. Maybe because it feels like you HAVE to laugh at everything, even if it’s not that funny. In any case, I’d rather stay home and watch sitcoms than go to a comedy club.
Burgers, Rice (except in sushi), Any Kind of Noodles, Coffee, Jelly, Cold Cuts…
I’m such a picky eater. I don’t like burgers (or most sandwiches with meat), cold cuts, rice when it’s not in sushi, noodles (I’ll eat pasta if there’s nothing else around, but I’m not crazy about it), bacon (ditto), jelly, coffee (always thought I’d get to like coffee when I got older- I never did), and plenty of other things. I don’t put milk on my cereal and don’t usually put salad dressing on my salad. I wish there was a convenient term to explain my weird food quirks. Vegetarian, vegan, gluten-free, lactose intolerant, allergic, dieting…people get those things. But my food issues just make me weird.
What do you like/hate that no one else does?

12 thoughts on “The Katie-Has-Bad-Taste Post

  1. Tim

    I love Dominos Pizza! There's not a ton of good pizza places in Northern Ohio that aren't chains, so my places of choice are Dominos and East of Chicago.

  2. Tim

    I love Dominos Pizza! There's not a ton of good pizza places in Northern Ohio that aren't chains, so my places of choice are Dominos and East of Chicago.

  3. Katie

    Thank you! If no one liked them, they wouldn't still be in business. But my roommate sounded really confused when she realized I genuinely liked Domino's, and when she told her friend that, he actually said to me, “Have you not had any other kind of pizza before?” I wanted to smack him.

  4. Katie

    Thank you! If no one liked them, they wouldn't still be in business. But my roommate sounded really confused when she realized I genuinely liked Domino's, and when she told her friend that, he actually said to me, “Have you not had any other kind of pizza before?” I wanted to smack him.

  5. Katie

    Yeah, I'm sure people who root for other teams don't like him, but I have so many coworkers who are obsessed with the Pats and they looked at me like they were so disappointed when I said I didn't like Brady.

  6. Katie

    Yeah, I'm sure people who root for other teams don't like him, but I have so many coworkers who are obsessed with the Pats and they looked at me like they were so disappointed when I said I didn't like Brady.

  7. missris

    I…don't like pro sports. I didn't grow up in a town with a pro sports team so I never really got into it as a kid, and now I just think it's annoying. People in Pittsburgh get SUPER INTO the sports teams here, and to be honest I find it kind of obnoxious. There are other things going on in the world, ya know?

  8. missris

    I…don't like pro sports. I didn't grow up in a town with a pro sports team so I never really got into it as a kid, and now I just think it's annoying. People in Pittsburgh get SUPER INTO the sports teams here, and to be honest I find it kind of obnoxious. There are other things going on in the world, ya know?


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